50in50: Hobby Adventures
What’s this? I’m trying to blog once a day for 50 days! Inspired by Forking Mad and Lou Plummer.
What kind of adventures have you had pursuing your hobbies?
I’m not sure I’ve had a lot of adventures. Perhaps the most memorable things have been visiting different cemeteries in pursuit of pictures of my ancestors’ gravestones. A few years ago, I got my parents in on it. There was a branch of my mom’s side of the family who are buried in a cemetery I’d never heard of before in the southern Minnesota area. As it turns out, the cemetery was tiny - maybe 30 or so graves - and it was on the side of the road, in the middle of some farmer’s field. The newest grave was, if I recall, about 20 years old. I’m not sure who maintained this little cemetery, but someone clearly had been at least mowing it. It wasn’t next to a church, and the majority of graves were decades and decades old. Who still went there, I wondered? I had no idea it even existed until I had found it. Perhaps only genealogists like myself visited at this point. I’m not religious, but I felt good about visiting my long-gone ancestors and remembering them, a little bit.