50in50: Favorite Food
What’s this? I’m trying to blog once a day for 50 days! Inspired by Forking Mad and Lou Plummer.
What is your favorite food? Why do you like it? What is your history with it?
It’s gotta be pizza… or maybe ice cream.
Pizza, interestingly, was something I really hated as a kid, especially since it usually has onion on it. Once, when I was about 8, I vividly remember eating Godfather’s Pizza at my grandpa’s house and then running around his backyard with my sister, making ourselves very dizzy. Sometime later that night, I woke up ill and threw up all over my bed. For years afterward I couldn’t bring myself to touch pizza again! Fortunately, that wore off. Now that I live in the Big Apple I’m a regular slice connoisseur!
Ice cream, well. That one is just self-explanatory.