50in50: Early Adopter
What’s this? I’m trying to blog once a day for 50 days! Inspired by Forking Mad and Lou Plummer.
Are you an early or late adopter of technology? What makes you that way?
It depends on what “technology” is meant here, but generally late. I would not describe myself as a luddite by any means (although more and more I am starting to see the appeal) but I just don’t prioritize adopting gadgetry or fads in ways of working or living.
In the software world, I’m definitely not an “apps” guy - I prefer to stick to simpler, tried and true software stacks, particularly standards or open source software. That is why I am big consumer of RSS! However, I’m not afraid to pay for something if I think it will fit well into my existing workflow. Conversely, I am also not someone that shies away from updates, when it is to software I have already committed to using. My philosophy to updates is to frontload the pain - eventually I’ll likely have to update, so I might as well learn to live with the quirks now.