50in50: Physical Labor
What’s this? I’m trying to blog once a day for 50 days! Inspired by Forking Mad and Lou Plummer.
What’s your relationship with physical labor? Do you enjoy, accept or avoid it?
What an odd question! I would say I accept it - perhaps bordering on enjoying it, on a good day. There is an implied difference here, I think, between “labor” and “exercise” which I would not count as the same thing. Physical exercise: I definitely endure it, and acknowledge the necessity, but do not enjoy it.
One of the (many) reasons I enjoy living in The CityTM is that I pretty much have to walk or take public transit to get everything I need; it keeps me active without even trying. I think that people underestimate their own ability and become too car-dependent. At family gatherings I’ll be asked how on earth I could ever live in New York City for this reason, but frankly, if you can walk to the store and you don’t, I think you’re the crazy one.