Games & Programs

I first learned to program in QBasic, and these are some of the first games and progams I made.


This is an archive of all of the websites made by me that I could find. Some of them include downloads for programs I wrote at the time, which I do not recommend running on your computer.

The Boots Archives

In 2005, my dad repurposed a desktop PC into a home server running SuSE Linux 10. The original address was and he ran a web server on port 90 to evade the block our ISP had on serving traffic on port 80. I had very little idea of how this all worked under the hood, but my dad exposed a directory to me where I could put HTML files and make websites for myself and my friends. Below is a collection of some of the websites I scavenged from the archives I have of that time.

  • 2006-08-02: One of my first websites.
  • 2006-09-15: My website was made using Microsoft Publisher 2000 here. “unspeakable” was the name of a band some of my friends had when they were 11/12, and “Smiley1175” was another of my friends.
  • 2007-08-28: Here I tried using Microsoft Expression Studio to make a website.
  • 2008-02-09: Fancy home page that links to unspeakable’s second site.
  • 2008-08-19: This is my first blog! I made a program called FSBlog that generated a static website, which works a bit like jekyll but predates it by about a year. I also created custom emoji icons for myself, which I think give the site quite a bit of character!
  • 2008-12-31: My last hand-coded home page in this series hosted on the original “Boots” home server.

Hosted Websites

  • Google Site: I was an early user of Google Pages and later, Google Sites. Both sites underwent many revisions and most of that is lost, but before Google Sites shut down I was able to grab a copy of the site as it stood then.
  • My Original Blogspot Blog: I started a Blogspot/Blogger blog in 2008, shortly after I opened my original GMail account. The site is still online and I’ve kept many of my original posts up.
  • Chasing England: I kept this blog during the year I spent abroad in Worcester, England. It remains one of my favorite pieces of the Internet I’ve ever created.
  • Almost immediately after I started my undergraduate degree at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, I put up a web page on the university file server. Unfortunately the original site is lost, but the design remained mostly the same throughout my degree and is still the basis for my homepage today.
  • is the first domain I ever bought, and I hosted my websites there until a catastrophic loss in 2020 made me consider alternatives.


I’ve posted these under the title of my blog before, but have now decided to retire them to the archives as essays.